ADC Certifies for ISO 9001:2015
April 23, 2024 - Advanced Digital Cable Inc. (ADC) is proud to announce its recent recertification for ISO 9001:2015. ADC has been audited and registered annually by Intertek since early 2007. The International Standards Organization (ISO) reviews its standards every few years in order to remain current in an ever-changing business environment. ISO 9001:2015 is the current standard, replacing the previous ISO 9001:2008 standard. ADC, which has been part of the ISO system for over a decade, continually audits its many processes to continually improve both its business and manufacturing practices, while at the same time continually improving product quality. ADCs commitment to its customers is no different than their commitment to ISO. Each commitment goes hand in hand with providing some of the highest quality and customer satisfaction ratings in the industry.
About ADC
ADC was founded in 1997 and began making coaxial cable for the booming digital cable market. Since that time ADC has grown to be a key manufacturer of not only coaxial cable but a wide range of cables for a variety of applications. ADC now manufacturers cables for the Electronic, Industrial, Traffic, RF Communications, Irrigation and Renewable Energy markets.
ADC was built from the ground up with progressive and innovative technology and equipment. Its people represent over 350 years of wire and cable experience promising an unsurpassed dedication to developing and manufacturing the highest quality products in the industry. ADC is committed to continuous improvement and its Quality Management System is ISO 9001:2015 Registered ensuring that our cables meet the highest levels of quality.
ADC proudly manufactures all of its cable in the USA and we are committed to manufacture and deliver quality products at competitive prices with unsurpassed service.
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